More than 40 years of experience in Portugal ...
It is in 1975 that António Manuel Rodrigues Fernandes, begins activity as Official Dispatcher.
With the passage of time and the prospect of the European Single Market, this activity undergoes profound changes.
In the face of the constraints felt in International Trade and in the Economy in general, António Fernandes does not resign himself and actively repositions an entire business structure, aligning it with the defined objectives, whose Strategic Plan essentially aims to guide the Client and the creation of value.
As a policy, the quality of the services provided, in order to satisfy the market demands and the needs of the Customers, as well as the promotion of the offer / availability of incorporated services, is in 1980 that integrates the forwarder area that allows establishing a chain of integrated services that gives it the ability to respond to the needs of an increasingly diverse, heterogeneous and competitive market, as is the international market.
A year later, in 1981, he created the company "António M.R. Fernandes - Despachantes Oficiais Associados, Lda., Which has about 50 Employees.
Aware of its social responsibility, fulfilling and enforcing other customs practices, guided by values and principles of management, in a climate of rigor and total transparency, it obtains due recognition and respect in the business context.